22 Nov Record Slams for 2024 and New Medallion
Utah Cutthroat Slam reaches record number of yearly completions in 2024, and releases newest medallion
The Utah Cutthroat Slam saw a record number of completions in 2024 and is releasing the newest medallion for anglers who complete the fishing challenge.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Utah Trout Unlimited launched the slam in 2016 as a challenge for anglers and as a way to raise funds for cutthroat trout conservation and outreach. To successfully complete the slam and receive a medallion, anglers must catch Utah’s four native subspecies of cutthroat trout in their native ranges.
The original medallion was awarded to the first 1,000 anglers to complete the slam, a milestone that was reached in September 2022. In 2022, the partners of the slam announced a new series of four medallions — one for each of the cutthroat trout subspecies — that anglers could earn when completing the slam.

“This has been another record year for the Utah Cutthroat Slam with the release of the third new medallion and a record 328 completions to date,” Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Sportfish Coordinator Trina Hedrick said. “This year, there was also a record $14,920 in revenue generated from the slam. We are grateful to the many anglers who participate and help fund cutthroat trout restoration and outreach in Utah through the Utah Cutthroat Slam. We also appreciate our partners Utah Trout Unlimited, and others involved in these efforts.”
The first species-specific medallion displayed a Colorado River cutthroat trout in full color, designed specifically for the Utah Cutthroat Slam by artist Tim Johnson. That medallion was awarded for the next 250 completions, which only took a mere 14 months to reach. The second medallion in the series highlighted the Yellowstone cutthroat trout, again featuring original art by Johnson. The Yellowstone medallion was awarded for 10 months until 1,500 slam completions were reached earlier this month.

The newest medallion, also designed by Johnson, was released Friday and features the Bear River cutthroat trout. It will be awarded until 1,750 slams are completed (so for the next 250 slam completions).

Since 2016, the Utah Cutthroat Slam has:
- Garnered over 5,700 registered anglers, including anglers from 48 U.S. states and one angler from outside the U.S.
- Been completed 1,632 times.
- Raised more than $106,000 for native cutthroat trout conservation work and outreach that benefits all four subspecies.
“Anglers really love having the subspecies-specific medallions, which is likely the reason we keep seeing the record numbers of annual completions broken. The response has been amazing and beyond our wildest expectations,” said Brett Prettyman, Utah Cutthroat Slam Program Director for Utah Trout Unlimited. “Our partnership with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has been key to the success of the slam. We have achieved our goal of providing anglers with unique opportunities for native cutthroat fishing and to raise conservation money for projects that benefit the fish. But the real reward is the numerous stories we hear about families and friends working on the slam together and making lifetime memories in the outdoors.”
Anyone interested in participating in the Utah Cutthroat Slam can learn more and register on the website.
Media contacts:
DWR Public Information Officer Faith Heaton Jolley at 385-266-2640
Utah Cutthroat Slam Program Director for Utah Trout Unlimited Brett Prettyman at tbprettyman@gmail.com
Skiddy Fishing
Posted at 08:50h, 26 NovemberYou guys have done a fantastic job with this program. A sincere congrats on the success and it’s been so rewarding to contribute and tackle the challenge. Excited to see how Tim comes out with the final coin!
Lucas Tillmann
Posted at 10:31h, 13 JanuaryDoes anybody have advice for trying to complete this in winter with a fly rod or spinner reel?
Hayden Cook
Posted at 12:27h, 22 JanuaryWinter is definitely the toughest time to try and complete the slam, regardless of which fishing method you choose to use. Most rivers and creeks where cutthroat are located get icy or snowed-in making accessing them difficult. But you may find some reservoirs where ice fishing could be a possibility. However, trying to catch a Yellowstone cutthroat during the winter from the Raft River mountains may be the biggest hurdle. If there is a warm spell, you may be able to get out there in April and find some hungry fish, but if everything is iced over, then the small creeks that are already difficult to fish may become impossible.