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Restoring Bonneville cutthroat trout in a Logan River tributary required dedicated partners and years of work. By Matt McKell (Regional Cutthroat Biologist DWR Northern Region) Conservation often looks quick and glamorous in movies and social media posts. Scenic shots and time-lapse videos are great for storytelling, but...

Three new conservation projects geared toward helping Utah's native cutthroat trout were announced Tuesday, Nov. 3, during the annual Utah Cutthroat Slam meeting. The projects were selected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited — the organizations that started the Utah Cutthroat Slam. Launched in April 2016,...

By Paul Thompson I have spent my entire career working on and fishing for native cutthroat trout (see previous cutthroat blog post). The one thing I will remember the most looking back on my career is working with Trout Unlimited to help get the Utah Cutthroat Slam off...

By Jeff Bringhurst of Trout Unlimited ; See original article here An angler uses one fly, drives 600 miles and completes the Utah Cutthroat Slam before the sun sets Downtown Salt Lake City was quiet at 4:30 a.m. as we stood in front of a camera...

Original video and post from KSL Outdoors found HERE. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge to catch all four native species of cutthroat in their native ranges. But can it be done in a day? Adam Eakle and his buddy, Jeff Bringhurst, drive over...

By Charlie Perry for Trout Unlimited ; See original article here. Trips to waters filled with trout were the norm of my childhood. Summer adventures in Yellowstone. Weekends spent in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah. Holidays fishing the Green River in a deep red...

Three new conservation projects geared toward helping Utah’s native cutthroat trout were announced Tuesday, Nov. 12, during the annual Utah Cutthroat Slam meeting. The projects were selected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Department of Natural Resources and Trout Unlimited — the organizations that started...

Anglers from across the country have been venturing to remote Utah locations for the past four years seeking to catch native cutthroat trout in their historic range. Along the way, they discovered adventure, new places and tight lines. Mark Greer of South Jordan, Utah, submitted his...

Posted by Brett Prettyman for Trout Unlimited, see original story here. Feature Image above: Heidi Lewis, far left, took her friends Heather Hodson, Jen Ripple and Geri Meyer (left to right) on a Utah Cutthroat Slam adventure this summer. Brian Harris photo. By Heidi Lewis When Heather Hodson...