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The Utah DWR head up Ferron Canyon with passionate stillwater anglers and our regional biologist to catch native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Join them as they wader up, jump into float tubes and pontoon boats, and check one of Utah's four cutthroat trout subspecies off...

Click here to see the KSL Outdoors video that covers the story or click the video link below. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge to catch all four native cutthroat trout species in Utah. David Jensen, was one fish away from completing the slam...

The Utah DWR travel to Cache County with a passionate hobbyist and local angling group member to catch native Bear River cutthroat trout. Join them as they talk cutthroat trout conservation and check one of Utah's four cutthroat trout subspecies off the list for the...

The Utah DWR travel to the northwest corner of the state and get technical on a small creek with passionate hobbyists and our local biologist to see where to catch native Yellowstone cutthroat trout using fly-fishing gear. Join them as they check one of Utah's...

The Utah DWR head to the stream with passionate hobbyists and an industry expert to see how to catch native Boneville cutthroat trout using fly-fishing gear and conventional gear. Join them as they check one of Utah's four cutthroat trout subspecies off the list for...

Funds from Utah Cutthroat Slam are helping to fuel conservation initiatives around the state. by Spencer Durrant of Hatch Magazine  The Utah Cutthroat Slam launched in 2016 with the goal of raising money to improve cutthroat fisheries throughout the state. Of course, a secondary goal was to introduce...

Two new conservation projects geared toward helping Utah's native cutthroat trout were announced during a recent annual Utah Cutthroat Slam meeting. The projects were selected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited — the organizations that started the Utah Cutthroat Slam. Launched in April 2016, the slam...